Prefer colourful to grey? Our central Berlin library's "QueerFenster" offers a wide selection of queer literature and media as well as information about LGBTQIA related topics.

LGBTIQ+ media at the Berlin Central and Regional Library (ZLB)
Showing presence all year round, and being colourful and diverse not only at special events – that is how we at the ZLB see our responsibility towards the LGBTIQ+ community, and that is why we have a permanent media presentation at the America Memorial Library: our "QueerFenster"!
It is a kind of "window" where we show new acquisitions and classics, and highlight various, changing topics relevant to the queer community. At the same time, we offer community representatives a platform for introducing themselves and their work.
Do you have any questions about our "QueerFenster", or would you like to suggest a topic? Or would you like to recommend specific media? Please write to us at queerfenster@zlb.de.
The current "QueerFenster" focuses on the topic of emancipation. Our cooperation partner is Quarteera e.V
TransInterQueer e.V. (TrlQ) is a social centre and a self-advocacy organisation of and for trans*, inter* and non-binary people. The association offers psychosocial and professional counselling, group meetings, further education and training, leisure and support services, art and cultural events, a library and much more.

Streaming tips for at home AVA Library Focus: LGBTQ
A selection of films that address LGBTQ issues.
We have previously cooperated with these partners
Please note, this information is available in German only:
Quarteera e.V. (January 2023 - April 2023)
Spinnboden (October-December 2022)
Regenbogenfamilienzentrum Berlin (July – September 2022)
Schwules Museum Berlin (April – June 2022)
Transcodiert (January – March 2022)
LesMigraS Berlin (October – December 2021)
Literatunten (July – September 2021)